Sunday, November 8, 2009

the outcast of 19 schuyler place-EL Konigsburg

hey all u literary people (or bookworms.... whatever you want to call yourselves....)

Margret Rose Kane prefers not to do lots of things at camp Taequa, the summer camp she has been exiled to while her parents vacation in Peru. She prefers not to do so many things that her uncle has to come and get her. (what she wanted to do anyway) The director is evil and her cabin mates are cruel.... so she wants her Uncle to come get her. so she has spent a few weeks at her uncles house but she soon figguers out what secret her uncles are keeping from her. the lovely toweres that almost everyone in the town loves (almost being the opperitive word) are being taken down! why? they are not "historical" (they have been up and a center of the town for over 40 years) the town councel also says that they arent safe...(children have helped put christmas lights on them scence they were put up ,and climbing on them for fun) and hords of other things so Margret Rose ...... well, to see how she trys to save the beautiful towers (or if she even does) youl just have to read my book!

anyway! a really good book. EL Konigsburg has wrote other litterary treasuers also.... the mixed up files of ms.Basil E Frankweiler, The view from Saterday and a bunch of others... a good preteen book about art outsiders and being true to yourself. She also won 2 Newbery medals.

dont forget to note me, take my poll and of course read my blog!
thats all folks

law-in ancorage Alaska its illegal to tie a dog to the roof of your car(duh! )

quote- you guys line up alphabeticaly by hight (by our last name or first name coach?)

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